The ccTLD Constituency Elections - Ballot Instructions

This page contains details of how to cast your votes in a variety of languages. Please note that this is not a ballot form. Ballot forms will be sent to the Electorate by e-mail.

We are very grateful to Oscar Robles, John Broomfield, Elisabeth Porteneuve, Kuo-Wei-Wu, and C. Y. Liu for their assistance in providing these translations. It should be pointed out that the translations are unofficial, and for guidance only. The text provided by the Electoral Reform Society, in English, is the official instructions.

Ballot instructions are available in:

English Translation

Election of ccTLD Representatives to the ICANN DNSO Names Council.

Please read the following instructions before completing your Voting Form.


1. Please read the candidates' election statements before voting. These can be found at candidate-index.html

2. This election will be conducted by the Single Transferable Vote: Do NOT vote with an 'X'.

3. Vote by entering the figure 1 in the square brackets next to the candidate you most strongly support, the figure 2 against your next favoured candidate, the figure 3 against your third preference, and so on until you are unable to differentiate between the remaining candidates.

4. You may express as many or as few preferences as you wish.

5. Your preferences must be consecutive and you must not use the same preference more than once.

6. Enter the two letter code for your registry (e.g. ES for Spain) in the space provided. Note that if you are the admin contact for more than one registry you will receive an email voting form for each one.

[5] Alf
[1] Bill
[3] Charlie
[4] Doris
[2] Edna
[6] Freda

[ES] 2-letter registry code

In the above example, Bill is the candidate you would most like to see elected, Edna is your second preference, and your third, fourth fifth and sixth choices are Charlie, Doris, Alf and Freda respectively.

7. With this method of voting the expression of a subsequent preference can never harm the prospects for election of a candidate you rate more highly; you are therefore urged to express preferences to the full extent of your ability to differentiate between candidates.

8. When you have completed the voting form, cut and paste the section below into your email reply to the Electoral Reform Ballot.

On receipt of your vote you will be sent confirmation by email of how your vote has been recorded.

This election is being conducted by the independent Electoral Reform Ballot Services Limited.

French Translation

Bulletin de vote pour les elections des delegues de la Constituency cctld aux Names Council du DNSO, aout 1999.

Mode d'emploi:

1. Avant voter lisez, SVP, les professions de foi des candidats. Elles sont enregistrees sur le serveur Web: candidate-index.html

2. Cette election utilisera la methode Single Transferable Vote. NE METTEZ PAS de signe 'X' dans la ligne de votre candidat !

3. Votez avec les valeurs de 1 a N - autant de candidats que vous avez choisi (maximum 6, nous avons 6 candidats). Mettez 1 a cote du nom du candidat qui est votre premier choix, ensuite 2 a cote du nom du candidat qui est votre second choix, etc. jusqu'a epuisement de vos preferences.

4. Vous pouvez exprimer autant de preferences que vous voulez, ou aussi peu que vous voulez.

5. Vos choix doivent etre consecutifs, et chaque preference (valeur) ne doit etre utilisee qu'une seule fois. Par exemple si vous votez pour 3 candidats, vous devez utiliser les valeurs 1, 2 et 3.

6. Avec la methode de vote SVT votre preference pour les candidatures au dela de la premiere n'ont pas d'influence sur le choix de votre candidat favori. C'est la raison pour laquelle nous insistons pour que vous exprimiez un maximum de preferences, jusqu'a ce que vous etes en mesure de faire la difference entre les candidatures.

7. Mettez le code sur 2 lettres correspondant a votre bureau d'enregistrement - registry - (par exemple CI pour la Cote d'Ivoire) dans la rubrique correspondante. Notez que si vous etes un Contact Administratif pour plus d'un bureau d'enregistrement, vous allez recevoir autant de bulletin de vote electroniques.

8. Apres avoir rempli votre bulletin de vote, re-envoyez le.

Spanish Translation



1. Favor de leer la declaracion eleccion de cada candidato antes de votar. Estas declaraciones se encuentran en candidate-index.html

2. La eleccion se realizara en base al sistema "Single Transfereble Vote" (STV). NO vote con una 'X'.

3. Para votar escriba el numero "1" entre los corchetes que se encuentran a la izquierda del candidato al que otorgara el mayor apoyo. Puede escribir el numero "2" para el segundo candidato que desea apoyar, el numero "3" para su tercer preferencia y asi sucesivamente hasta que no pueda diferenciar entre los candidatos restantes.

4. Puede expresar tantas o tan pocas preferencias (de apoyo a candidatos) como desee.

5. Sus preferencias deben ser consecutivas, y no puede usar la misma preferencia mas de una vez.

6. Escriba el codigo de dos letras de su registro-ccTLD (ej. BR para Brasil) en el espacio reservado para ello. Note que si usted es el contacto administrativo para mas de un registro-cctld, recibira un formulario de votacion para cada uno de ellos.

[5] Alf
[1] Bill
[3] Charlie
[4] Doris
[2] Edna
[6] Freda
2-letter registry code

En el ejemplo anterior, Bill es el candidato que recibe el mayor apoyo y el que quisera que resultara electo, Edna es su segunda preferencia, y su tercera, cuarta, quinta y sexta preferencias son Carlie, Doris, Alf y Freda respectivamente.

7. Con este metodo de votacion, la expresion de una preferencia subsiguiente no puede perjudicar las posibilidades de eleccion de un candidato que usted valora mejor, por consisguiente le pedimos expresar sus preferencias hasta que le sea posible direrenciar entre los candidatos.

8. Cuando haya completado su formulario de votacion, copie la siguiente seccion en un email dirigido a Electoral Reform Society.