Proposal for the Permanent ccTLD Secretariat
     (Submitted on 31 January 2001, Revised on 21 March 2001)
                        Submitted to
               ccTLD Administrative Committee
           (Request for Proposal 31 December 2000)
                    AP Joint Secretariat
              Singapore (NUS) and Korea (KRNIC)
          Contact Points: Byung-Kyu Kim (
                          Abhisak Chulya (

 1. Background
 2. Proposed Work Plan
 3. Review Board
 4. Coordination of Translation
 5. Staffs and Services
 6. Offices and Facilities
 7. Budget
 Appendix I: Outreach and Awareness Program
 Appendix II: Brief CV of Personnel
 Appendix III: Request For Proposal to Operate Permanent ccTLD Secretariat

 Not only ICANN and its supporting organizations but also ccTLD
Constituency has been an international organization for Internet
governance, including cultural, linguistic and legal diversity. Specially
the latter is drawing its membership and soliciting participation from the
country code top level domain registries around the world.  Realizing the
need to work and collaborate closely as well as providing support to all
242 ccTLD members and its AdCom Board, ccTLD Constituency needs to have a
focal point of contact who in turn will be responsible for all ccTLD
Secretariat finances, including drafting and managing the annual budget,
organizing meetings and workshops. The Secretariat will support ccTLD
Constituency at meetings, forums and events as well as report the current
status, facilitate liaison with ICANN, and all regional organizations such
as CENTR, APTLD, AFTLD, LACTLD, NATLD and IATLD.  To fulfill these
requirements AP Joint Secretariat is presenting the proposal to operate
Permanent ccTLD Secretariat with the following objectives:
 a. To establish a good working relationship with all ccTLD members,
managers and the Administrative Committee.
 b. To promote the spirit of the Global Internet Society and solidarity of
the International Internet Community.
 c. To facilitate the business of the ccTLD organization and co-ordinate
outreach to non-participating ccTLDs to join into ccTLD Constituency
 d. To protect the benefit of all ccTLD registries.
 AP Joint Secretariat Background:
 Among the seven DNSO Constituencies of ICANN, four have secretariats
based in the US, two in Europe, and one is now making a call for
proposals, which is the ccTLD Secretariat from Asia-Pacific region. AP
Joint Secretariat is willing to be one of ICANN secretariats and to
collaborate with international organizations relating to the ICANN
structure from all other Continents as well as Asia-Pacific region.
 AP Joint Secretariat is an Asia Pacific Organization that provides
secretariat services and supports to Asia Pacific Internet Organizations
such as APAN, IAK (Internet Association of Korea), APNG, APIA, AP*
Retreat, APBionet, APNIC, APRICOT and MINC.  Each of these organizations
has a peer relationship with AP Joint Secretariat and they are the members
of AP Joint Secretariat Board. AP Joint Secretariat has currently been
appointed to Interim ccTLD Secretariat jointly with AFNIC of France since
July 3, 2000. AP Joint Secretariat is a partner with KRNIC (Korea Network
Information Center) which was selected to host APRICOT2000 and acted as
Central Secretariat. It has been also deeply involved in fellowship
programs for two years. Outreach and Awareness programs were also launched
successfully in AP region. If AP Joint Secretariat wins the bid to operate
Permanent ccTLD Secretariat, the main offices will be located in Korea

 2. Proposed Work Plan
 The primary objective of this proposed Permanent ccTLD Secretariat is to
ensure that the work that has been accomplished, and the successes that
have been achieved by the Interim ccTLD Secretariat are continued.
 AP Joint Secretariat is playing very active roles in Asia-Pacific
Internet Forums. With the experiences gained through worldwide activities
among ccTLD registries and Global Internet Societies including
successfully organizing the ccTLD meetings in both Yokohama and Marina del
Rey, AP Joint Secretariat proposes to perform the following tasks:
 2.1. Maintaining and updating the ccTLD web site ( with
appropriate links to important items to the ccTLD constituency, ICANN and
Internet Governance in general such as:
a. Keeping the web site alive with all related ccTLD information
b. Updating the website with clear presentations and latest information
c. Linking to other appropriate websites such as ICANN, DNSO, APTLD,
d. Providing translation of important Web pages and documents into
Chinese, Hindi, Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian, Arabic and Korean
 2.2. Maintaining, archiving, and publishing mailing lists such as
cctld-discuss list, cctld-adcom list, and cctld-contacts list.
 2.3. Publicizing, promoting, and encouraging developmental activities:
The ccTLD Secretariat will encourage each regional organization such as
CENTR, APTLD, AFTLD, LACTLD, NATLD and IATLD to work with those ccTLDs who
have not yet participated in our activities by visiting them as well as
setting up Internet Seminar in those countries.  The Secretariat will
offer coordination for any existing regional outreach programs associated
with the regional TLD organizations.
 2.4. Providing overall organization services for ccTLD meetings,
including notifications, meeting room bookings and audio visual equipment
setups. The Secretariat will provide scribe services and minutes of all
the meetings and teleconferences as well as post the minutes to the ccTLD
website in a timely manner.
 2.5. Performing bookkeeping and accounting services with transparency,
including opening and managing a ccTLD bank account.  Posting on the
website the Cash Flow of all related income, expenses, disbursements,
payment of bills, and membership fees.
 2.6. Organizing the voting processes of all ccTLD related elections with
ccTLD AdCom approval.
 2.7. Providing a "Help Desk" via e-mail and telephone with quick
responses and actions for all requests and questions from ccTLD members.
 2.8. Providing general supports to the ccTLD AdCom as needed or
 2.9. Editing and preparing the various official documents of the ccTLD
Constituency for publication as appropriate.
 3. Review Board
 We propose that the ccTLD Constituency set up a Review Board to review
the work of Secretariat. This Review Board will evaluate overall
performance of the Secretariat and report to Administrative Committee and
ccTLD members directly.  It can also make recommendations on how to
improve the management.
 4. Coordination of Translation
 We propose to continue the translation work initiated by Interim ccTLD
Secretariat. Additionally, we will perform website mirroring and regional
coordination for information exchange.  The contact points from the
current translation would be as follow:
  Spanish, Oscar Alejandro Robles Garay
  French, Yann Kwok
  Russian, Maria Stepanova
  Japanese, Ohashi Yumi
  Chinese, Prof. Hualin Qian, and
    , Prof. Walter Wu Yangyi
  Arabic, Sultan Al Shamsi
  Korean, Prof. Myung Koo Kang
  Hindi, Dr Sudhir Mudur.
  Thai, Prof. Kanchana Kanchanasut.
 5. Staff and Services
 AP Joint Secretariat is capable of hiring and/or providing the
well-qualified staffs and arranging services. They are as follow:
 5.1. Executive Director (80 hours per month minimum)
 Dr. Byung-Kyu Kim will be the main focal point of Permanent ccTLD
Secretariat.  He will be in charge of all operations and services with
consultation to Review Board, ccTLD AdCom, and regional contact points.
Specially, he will manage all financial matters. He will also be in charge
of coordinating the relationship between ICANN and ccTLD, and between
ccTLD and other constituencies. He will manage the main website, ccTLD
documents and translation. Optionally, he will be in charge of overall
managing Outreach and Awareness Program. He is currently a director of
KRNIC, a member of APNIC Executive Council and APRICOT Executive
Committee, and the chair of APTLD Outreach and Awareness Working Group.

 5.2. Deputy Executive Director (120 hours per month minimum)
 Dr. Abhisak Chulya is currently a Deputy Executive Director of Interim
ccTLD Secretariat and is handling and coordinating work and activities
with AFNIC.  He will be in charge of contents of all the important
documents such as ccTLD Bylaws and Best Practices.   He will also edit and
prepare the documents of the ccTLD Constituency for publication. He will
be in charge of organizing ccTLD meetings, and maintaining the contents
with related websites.
 5.3. Administrative assistant (120 hours per month minimum) - To be
 He or she will collect membership fees, manage accounting and financial
matters, and all of the office functions.  He or she will also be in
charge of collecting online and offline meeting agenda and scribing
minutes. Operating costs and expenses will be controlled with
transparency. He or she will facilitate drafting of ccTLD documents as
appropriate, based on active inputs from regional organizations and ccTLD
 5.4. Web and technical services (120 hours per month minimum)
 This work will be outsourced at the beginning but is expected to share
cost with AP local organization such as MINC or APAN either in Singapore
or Seoul.  We will hire a part timer to help get the server up and running
as well as maintaining.  For elections, we will pay for a professional
technical service to perform an electoral voting system to send and
collect ballots as well as summarizing the election results.
 5.5. Translation services (50 pages per month)
 This work will be outsourced to Professional Translation Services. We
could also ask our ccTLD registries to help translate into their own
languages.  To reach out and touch the more unreachable, translations by
translators in their mother tongues, such as Chinese, Hindi, Arabic,
Japanese, Spanish, French, Korean, English, Russian and 1 or 2 Slavic
languages, will be sought.
 6. Office and Facilities
 AP Joint Secretariat will set up the offices in Korea (KRNIC) 
with the following facilities:
 6.1. High speed Internet connection (T-1, E-1, ISDN, ADSL, or cable
 An Internet connection has been linked to outside with two T3 and 
one E1 (total 92 Mbps) in Korea (KRNIC).
 6.2. Telecommunications:  2 phone lines, 1 FAX line
 For the phone lines and FAX lines, KRNIC has total 15 lines for outgoing
and 26 lines for incoming, and its own switchboards. A Cable-TV and a
video conference equipment will be provided in KRNIC for Permanent ccTLD
Secretariat whenever ccTLD video conferences open.
 6.3. Offices
 Physical offices will be located in Korea (KRNIC).
Meeting rooms and facilities will be provided in Secretariat offices.
 6.4. Mails
 Post Box or street delivery of mail, FEDEX, UPS and courier service will
be available in both offices with no difficulty as well as Next Day
Service anywhere in the world.  Cost is quite low due to competitive
market including pick-up services.
 6.5. Computers
 Secretariat offices have several laser printers and web servers with
daily tape backup for critical information.  More than 4 computers for
Permanent ccTLD Secretariat and visitors will be provided in Secretariat
offices with high security in network connections.
 7. Budget
 Korea (KRNIC) and Singapore (NUS) will be financially accountable for the
ccTLD Secretariat.

                                     (all figures in Currency USD)
 Monthly Expenses
7.1 Executive Director, part time             Offered by KRNIC
7.2 Deputy Executive Director, part time        2,000
 7.3 Administrative Assistant, full time        1,800
 7.4 Technical Service                            500
 7.5 Translation Service                          800
 7.6 Communication cost (telephone, internet..)   700
     Sum of Monthly Expenses                    5,800

 Yearly Expenses
 7.7 Cost of technical service for electoral voting ballot  1,000
 7.8 Traveling cost for ICANN annual meetings               9,000
 7.9 Traveling cost for Other meetings                      2,400
 7.10 Equipment                                             5,000
      Sum of Yearly Expenses (SYE)                         17,400
      Monthly Expenses (SYE / 12 months)                    1,450

      TOTAL MONTHLY EXPENSES                                7,250
 Not included (hope to get contributions)
  1. Cost of meeting rooms for ccTLDs meeting
  2. Cost of inviting visitors
 Appendix I: Outreach and Awareness Program (Optional)
 If the Permanent ccTLD Secretariat has sufficient funding, it will
conduct actively the Outreach and Awareness program by assigning a
part-time manager. The target countries will be decided by an ad-hoc
committee consists of managers of each regional Outreach Program.
 Additional Budget (Optional)

                                         (all figures in Currency USD)
 Yearly Expenses
 I.1 Traveling cost for Regional Meetings             9,000
 I.2 Traveling cost for Outreach and Awareness       24,000
     Sum of Yearly Expenses (SYE)                    33,000
     Monthly Expenses (SYE / 12 months)               2,750

 Appendix II: Brief CV of Personnel
 a. Executive Director (80 hours per month minimum)

    Name: Byung-Kyu Kim

    Current Positions:
                Korea Network Information Center (KRNIC), Seoul, Korea
                Chair of APTLD Outreach and Awareness WG
               APNIC Executive Council Member
               APRICOT Executive Committee Member

    Past Experiences:
               ICANN ccTLD Service WG Deputy Chair
               Chair of APRICOT2001 Fellowship Committee
               APRICOT2000 Central Secretariat
                Postdoctoral Researcher,
                Louisiana State University, LA, USA

               Ph.D. in Physics, University of Texas, TX, USA
               M.S., Rutgers University, NJ, USA
               B.S., Korea University, Seoul, Korea
 b. Duputy Executive Director (120 hours per month minimum)

    Name: Abhisak Chulya

    Current Positions:
               Deputy Executive Director, Interim ccTLD Constituency
               Managing Director, NIPA Technology Co., Ltd. Thailand

    Past Experiences:
              Director (1999-2000), Thailand Science Park,
              National Science and Technology Development Agency,
              Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment

              Senior Aerospace Engineer (1988-1995)
              NASA Glenn Research Center,
              Cleveland, Ohio, USA

    Other Information:
              Good command of Thai and English both speaking and writing;
              fair command of Cantonese and Mandarin both  speaking and
              Doctor of Engineering in Structural Mechanics and Materials,
              Civil Engineering Department, Cleveland State University,
              Ohio, USA
 c. Administrative Assistant (120 hours per month minimum)
    To be hired.
    Before we hire an administrative assistant, one staff from KRNIC will
 Appendix III: Request For Proposal to Operate Permanent ccTLD Secretariat

 The Permanent Secretariat will provide an executive function, operating
under guidelines of the ccTLD Administrative Committee, and act as a
single point of contact for all ccTLD business.

 While these functions are not as yet fully described or qualified, they
will include, at a minimum:

 1. Maintaining the ccTLD web site, with appropriate links to items of
import and interest to ccTLD constituency, ICANN, and Internet Governance
in general.

 1.1 Providing translation of web pages and documents into several
languages, to encourage greater understanding, participation, and increase
the speed of consensus formation within the constituency.

 1.2 Performing final edits and preparing for publication the various
official documents of the ccTLD constituency, again, with translation into
appropriate languages.

 2. Maintaining, archiving, and publishing mailing lists

 3. Publicizing, promoting, and conducting outreach activities for the

 3.1 Internally, this function requires contacting and attracting ccTLD
managers who are not presently attending meetings or participating in
ccTLD lists. Such outreach to be conducted in a language appropriate to
facilitate contact with the ccTLD manager or administrator, be it an
individual or an organization.

 3.2 Externally, this function includes publicizing the ccTLD and its
issues and work to the greater population of Internet users, and to the
Public in general.

 4. Provide organization services for ccTLD meetings, including monthly
report, notifications, meeting room bookings and set-ups, audio visual
equipment rental, scribe and note taking services, for teleconferences as
well as actual, in person meetings.

 5. Bookkeeping and accounting services, including operation of a bank
account for ccTLD related income and expense disbursements.

 6. Maintaining a "help desk" via e-mail and telephone whereby members of
the ccTLD constituency can have their questions and requests answered, or
referred to the appropriate places or persons for answers, in a timely
 Duration of Services:

 7. The Permanent Secretariat service period will be three (3) years with
option to renew by mutual consent for additional three (3) year periods
starting from 1 April 2001.

 8. Minimum human resources requirement: Please submit brief CV of
personnel you propose for positions 8.1 and 8.2. Position 8.3 and 8.4 may
be outsourced.

 8.1 Executive Director 120 hours per month minimum.

 8.2 Administrative assistant / scribe / editor / document supervisor 120
hours per month minimum.

 8.3 Web and technical services 120 hours per month minimum - may be

 8.4 Translation services, estimated 50 pages per month, possibly
including French, English, Spanish, 2 or 3 major Asian languages, 1or 2
Slavic languages - may be outsourced.

 9. Facilities:

 9.1 High speed Internet connection (T-1, E-1, ISDN, DSL, or cable modem)

 9.2 Telecom: 2 phone lines, 1 FAX line, one pager/beeper

 9.3 Media access: satellite TV or Cable-TV to monitor news services

 9.4 Office: a physical office where members of the constituency or
persons conducting business with the constituency may meet.

 9.5 Mail: Availability of Post Box or street delivery of mail, FED EX and
courier service.

 9.6 Computers: At least 4 stations, one for each of 3 personnel above,
plus one for part time person or visitors. Tape or disk back up of
critical information to be performed daily and archived off site (bank
safety deposit box or similar- or may be archived in other locations with
file transfer via Internet)

 10. To be submitted by applicant, not less than $ 5,000 US per month. The
selection will NOT be based on the lowest bid.
 Due Date:

 11. Please submit your proposal no later than 31 January 2001 to