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Cc: cctld-discuss@wwtld.org, Theresa Swinehart swinehart@icann.org
To: board@aptld.org, members@aptld.org
From: Peter Dengate Thrush barrister@chambers.gen.nz
Subject: [cctld-discuss] First meeting of SO launching group
Dear Board and members,
as the APTLD-nominated rep to the ccNSO launching group, I propose to write up a short note after each call, to share progress reports with you. These will not be "minutes", but a personal summary.
A reminder - the ICANN board adopted a series of resolution at its Montreal 26 June meeting ( see http://icann.org/minutes/minutes-appa-26jun03.htm ) at which it requested the 9 cctld members of the Assistance Group to call for an additional six members, to form a "Launching Group" for the SO. The members of the Launching Group are:
We agreed that we would prepare a short information paper on the SO, and the merits in joining up. This would be circulated on various cctld lists, and be sent by fax or mail in those cases where communication with the currently listed manager required it.
A very simple form of Application for Membership was approved in draft, and a final version will be discussed by the LG shortly. This will accompany the information paper. It is expected that this will be sent after completion to ICANN by either post or email, with a publicly accessible page on the ICANN website listing applications received. There will also be a web based template available for direct completion.
There was some discussion about who members of the SO actually were, and what would happen in the case of where there was a difference between the IANA database listing and reality. The bylaws limit membership to those listed in the IANA database as the "Sponsoring Organisation" (or the equivalent if this term gets later changed...:-))
It was agreed that efforts would continue to solicit membership, and provided there were more than 30 applicants who were so listed, the SO could begin. It would be open to the first members and the initial council to, for example, treat any applicants not currently listed in the database as members, ( except for voting rights) until either they complied with the bylaw, or the bylaw was changed. ( note that non-members can become Councillors, if elected by members)
Achieving 30 members, with at least 4 from each region, was the trigger for having an election. An election process however, should be prepared in advance, in anticipation of this being achieved. We agreed that completing the election about one week prior to the ICANN meeting in Carthage ( 27 to 31 October) was desirable.
There seems two possible approaches to elections.
Members' input is sought on the best way forward. Clearly, the second way is simpler, so if there is agreement on the method of election, and agreement that there is a trusted party capable of running the separate elections, this approach might have merit.
There was some discussion recognising the need for the election to be conducted by persons or entities not connected with members of the Launching Group, who might wish to stand for election to council.
There was also discussion about whether the election process could protect against other types of conflict of interest, particularly that involving councillors who were also officers of other ICANN "components". There are some existing prohibitions for example, against ICANN directors also serving on any Council ( in any capacity, including as a liaison), against government officials holding office, against Nominating Committee members serving on Councils. The recent Non.Com.Users Constituency has a new charter which denies membership to "Organizations that provide services under contract or MoU with ICANN, or are represented in ICANN through another Supporting Organization"
Member's input is also sought on this issue: are there any conflicts of interest between having as members of the Council people who are (1) members of other SO's, (ii) elected representatives of other constituencies, (iii) councillors from other SO's ( iv) other?
Finally, a lightweight approach to bureaucracy in the LG has been agreed upon - there is no "chair" and no schedule of meetings. After input on the issues above, another meeting will be scheduled.
Happy to answer questions, or to take any new issues forward....
Peter Dengate Thrush
Senior Vice Chair
+64 4 499 8959
+64 21 499 888