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3 August 2000
On 18 July 2000, the APTLD Meeting elected Prof. Hualin Qian from China hlqian@cnnic.net.cn as the new APTLD Chair for one year (2000.7-2001.7) with Mr. Peter Dengate-Thrush from New Zealand pdthrush@chambers.gen.nz as Senior Vice Chair.
Subsequently, Prof. Kilnam Chon from Korea chon@cosmos.kaist.ac.kr, the AdCom delegate from Asia Pacific region requested to be replaced on the Administrative Commitee by Mr. Peter Dengate-Thrush.
The ccTLD Constituency expresses its gratitude for all the difficult work Prof. Kilnam Chon did for the ccTLD, for his tremendous efforts to keep the Constituency as an existing body, working and moving forward.
The Alternate AdCom delegate for the Asia Pacific region is Prof. Hualin Qian hlqian@cnnic.net.cn from China.
The Alternate AdCom delegate for the North America region is Dr. Zita Wenzel zita@isi.edu from the USA.