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Chaired by: Peter de Blanc
Written by: Abhisak Chulya
Peter de Blanc (AdCom/Names Council, North America)
Peter Dengate Thrush (AdCom, Asia Pacific)
Patricio Poblete (AdCom, Latin America and Caribbean)
Elisabeth Porteneuve (Names Council, Europe)
Yann Kwok (AdCom, Africa)
Byung-Kyu Kim (Executive Director)
Abhisak Chulya (Deputy Executive Director)
Nigel Roberts (AdCom, Europe)
Antony Van Couvering (AdCom, IATLD)
Oscar Robles Garay (Names Council, Latin America and Caribbean)
Discussion Topics:
1. ccTLD Network of Secondary Servers:
Peter de Blanc brought up the ccTLD Network of Secondary Servers issue, saying that we should go forward with the so-called "ccTLD next-generation server cluster" as an experiment.
A small committee will be set up to explore the possibility of setting up a cluster of ccTLD secondary servers. This is not an alternate root. Elisabeth Porteneuve will head this committee and Yann Kwok has volunteered to assist her, together with a few technical people.
Peter de Blanc suggested to take an opportunity in Marina del Rey to discuss more on this topic, which will correspond with the Security and Stability issues that ICANN wants to focus.
Yann Kwok expressed his concerns regarding the proper security with the ICANN meeting itself. Also, we should be in touch with the root Consortium.
Peter de Blanc felt that all ccs must be involved in this matter.
2. ccSO Formation:
Peter Dengate Thrush explained that he had not come up with any ccSO proposals or documents because he was waiting to talk to CENTR.
Elisabeth Porteneuve pointed out that there was a CENTR legal group meeting in Salzburg. This meeting had discussions on ccSO membership and the voting scheme. Should it be one cc one vote? What is the role of Regional Organizations such as CENTR, APTLD, AFTLD or LACTLD? These topics were discussed intensively at this meeting. There will be another meeting called ccSO Task Force held on 16 October 2001 in Frankfurt headed by Sabine Dolderer. Elisabeth Porteneuve suggested Peter Dengate Thrush to attend this meeting. If Peter Dengate Thrush is not able to attend, he will prepare a ccTLD version of the ccSO Principles document before 16 October and send it out to CENTR discuss list so that this Task Force may look into it as an alternative view.
Peter Dengate Thrush proposed the idea that other regional groups sign MOU to form the ccSO. He felt that this would make the ccSO look more like an international body and allow regional organizations to have clear roles in the ccSO.
He pointed out
that Roger Cochetti of Verisign was trying hard now to form an SO
(Verisign Proposal by David Johnson
http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/nc-str/Arc00/msg00003.html )
following Mike Robert's Proposal
(Mike Robert's Proposal
http://darwin.ptvy.ca.us/representation.html ).
Elisabeth Porteneuve cautioned that if we do not pay close attention, ICANN staff would get more power from the restructuring of ICANN.
Peter de Blanc pointed out that Verisign was very quick to set up Internationalized Domain Names (IDN).
The meeting agreed that the ccSO should have a limited list of certain policy binding to the ccTLD and Naming Policy, for IDN should be one of them. However, Peter Dengate Thrush expressed his concerns that to what level ccTLDs can accept, regarding this issue, that they would be bound to.
3. Other Issues:
4. Marina del Rey meeting DRAFT agenda (*)
AdCom members have drafted the following ccTLD meeting Agenda:
Day One, Sunday, 11 Nov. ccTLD Constituency Meeting
08:00 - 09:00 Registration and Welcome
09:00 - 12:30 Plenary Session 1
1.1 ccSO Formation Discussion - Policy, memberships, voting scheme, IDN12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 18:00 Plenary Session 2
2.1 ccSO Formation Discussion - Next Generation Root ServerDay two, Monday, 12 Nov. ccTLD Constituency Meeting
09:00 - 12:30 Plenary Session 3
3.1 ccTLD Agreement with ICANN12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 18:00 Plenary Session 4
4.1 Open Forum with other constituencies (two hours)
4.2 UDRP by Rainbow of APTLD
4.3 ccTLDs participate in GAC meeting
4.4 Draft of Communique
4.5 AOB
Meeting Adjourned at 8:40 AM EDT.
(*) Note: The agenda is just a DRAFT. It is put here for the sake of AdCom teleconference minutes.