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Chaired by: Nigel Roberts
Written by: Seung-Yeon Yoo and Abhisak Chulya
Patricio Poblete (Latin America - Caribbean Region) (noted as PP)
Elisabeth Porteneuve (Names Council) (noted as EP)
Nigel Roberts (European Region) (noted as NR)
Peter Dengate Thrush (Asia-Pacific Region) (noted as PDT)
Bernard Turcotte (alternate, N. American region) (noted as BT)
Byung-Kyu Kim (Executive Director, ccTLD Secretariat) (noted as BK)
Seung-Yeon Yoo (Administrative staff, ccTLD Secretariat)
Abhisak Chulya (Deputy Executive Director, ccTLD Secretariat)
Peter de Blanc (N. American region)
Yann Kwok (African Region)
Oscar Robles (Names Council)
0. Last AdCom teleconference minutes:
I. Action Points arising from the Adcom Teleconference, 6 June 2002
Secretariat: Contact and set schedule with the GAC Secretariat
AdCom: Come up with 3-4 persons as candidates for the discussion leader
of the joint session with GAC
Secretariat: Forward the proposed candidates of discussion leaders to
the GAC
BT: Come up with information on Ken Flocker
PDT: Confer with Young Eum Lee and agree a plan for item 3 and report
back as soon as possible.
Secretariat: Amend the agenda according to the comments made at the
teleconference. Further discussions would continue on the Adcom mailing
Secretariat: Contact the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform and
invite them to the ccTLD meeting
PDT: Draft a letter to the Names Council regarding the membership of
the ccTLD constituency
AdCom & PDT: Encourage the regional associations produce a preliminary
comment on 'CNSO'
in relations to the ccTLDs, in advance of the Bucharest meeting (24-25 June),
BK: Set up the bridge for the next AdCom Teleconference
II. Minutes of the AdCom Teleconference, 6 June 2002
The chair, Nigel Roberts, started the meeting by checking each action item from the previous AdCom Teleconference. The action items not completed will be carried forward to this meeting.
Action items from the previous AdCom teleconference (22 May 2002):
20020522-A **COMPLETED**
Secretariat: Gather information regarding the root server operators.
Invite them for the Bucharest meeting.
The group decided to personally talk to and invite the root server operators. Each AdCom member, who is willing to do this, may write to the list on whom they will personally contact and copy to the ccTLD Secretariat for record. BK will personally contact David Conrad and EP will personally contact the 2 European root server operators.
20020522-B **COMPLETED**
PDT: Prepare an invitation to be given to the root server operators.
20020522-C **ONGOING**
Secretariat: Check and confirm the co-chairs and the speakers for the
Bucharest meeting
The Secretariat had suggested YE Lee (APTLD Board member) for co-ordinating the session on ICANN Reform (1.1,1.2 and 1.3) and Bernard Turcotte for the session on "improvement of ccTLD services" (5.2). EP suggested having Marianne Wolfsgruber co-ordinate the session on "Drafting ccTLD position on ICANN Reform" (4.1) and the communiqué (9.1). PDT expressed his concerns on the drafting session of the communiqué. NR said that no communiqués should be released until all willing ccTLD endorse it. The AdCom decided to further discuss this item later on the teleconference.
20020522-D **ONGOING**
Secretariat and EP: Contact and invite IDN committee members for
discussions (25 June)
BK informed the group that Vincent Chen from .TW will talk to the group on Chinese domain name and other IDN issues.
20020522-E **COMPLETED**
Secretariat: Contact the GAC Secretariat for a joint session of
ccTLD-GAC for Bucharest meeting (24 June)
20020522-F **COMPLETED**
Secretariat: Contact Sabine Dolderer, Hartmut Glaser, and Bernard
Turcotte for a presentation on the ICANN Budget Committee
20020522-G **COMPLETED**
Secretariat: Contact Philip Shepard and the GA
20020522-H **COMPLETED**
Secretariat: Contact the ccTLD Liaison officers to the other
The meeting progressed on to finalizing the Bucharest Meeting agenda.
NR suggested to have Angelika Voss as a 'chairman's assistant' in addition to the co-ordinators appointed to the specific topics. The concept of 'co-chair' was cleared up.
EP shared with the group about AFNIC's project on secondary servers and offered to give an update on it during this session. She added that RIPE, John Crain, and others might have updates as well.
NR added that having the Joint session with GAC, as a separate item on the agenda, might be better than having it included in ICANN reform.
NR proposed that the Joint Session with GAC be promoted to a self-contained item.
EP said that the comments received from CENTR, regarding the facilitator of the joint session with GAC, were that the person should have knowledge on the issues and be neutral.
PDT said that it should be someone from outside the ccTLD constituency who has knowledge on the issues, so that a neutral forum could be formed where the GAC would feel comfortable sharing their views.
EP objected that she would not be comfortable with someone from outside the ccTLD group being the discussion leader for this particular session.
A couple of the remaining AdCom members agreed with PDT for similar reasons.
PDT proposed to come up with 3-4 persons and let the GAC to choose whom they might feel comfortable with as the discussion leader.
YE Lee (APTLD) had been proposed as discussion leader at the previous telephone meeting of AdCom.
PDT stated that he felt she was in a better position to do this, given her previous role in the matter and the work she had been doing on the subject. It was therefore agreed that PDT and YEL agree between themselves who carries out the role of discussion leader for each part of this subject.
PDT will report back to AdCom on the agreement reached with YEL.
He said that he wanted more time allocated to the ICANN reform proposal and it's relation to the ccTLDs. He also suggested having a session with the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform.
All agreed with PP's concerns and BT added that the meeting agenda should be adjusted to take into account the big issues.
Venue: Contsanta Room, Bucharest Marriott Grand Hotel
DAY 1, 24 June 2002 (Chair: Nigel Roberts)
09:00 - 12:30 Plenary 1:
1.1 ICANN Reform (Peter Dengate Thrush and Young-Eum Lee)
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break
1.2 Reaction to ICANN proposals
1.3 Session with the Committee on ICANN Evolution and Reform
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 16:00 Plenary 2: (date and time to be confirmed)
2.1 Joint workshop with GAC
16:00 - 17:30 Plenary 3:
3.1 ccSO Formation (Peter Dengate Thrush)
17:30 - 18:30 Plenary 4:
4.1 Drafting session for a ccTLD Position on ICANN Reform (Working Group)
DAY 2, 25 June 2002 (Chair: Nigel Roberts)
9:00 - 12:30 Plenary 5:
5.1 Workshop with Root Server Operators (Yann Kwok)
10:45 - 11:00 Coffee Break
5.2 How to improve ccTLD services (Bernard Turcotte)
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch
14:00 - 15:30 Plenary 6:
6.1 Secretariat Report (BK Kim)
6.2 ICANN Budget Committee Report
6.3 Funding
15:30 - 16:30 Plenary 7:
7.1 ccTLD Incorporation (Peter Dengate Thrush)
16:30 - 17:30 Plenary 8:
8.1 Report from IDN Committee (Elisabeth Porteneuve)
17:30 - 18:30 Plenary 9:
9.1 Drafting of the ccTLD Communiqué (Working Group)
She said that the method of communicating with other groups, after the ccTLDs withdraw from the DNSO, has to be considered.
PDT agreed with EP on the importance of the ccTLD's attitude in currently being in the DNSO and said that the ccTLDs should ask the DNSO for permission to stay in the Names Council.
Due to shortage of time, NR proposed to have a statement drafted with the ccTLDs views on this issue, before the Bucharest meeting.
PP told the group that LACTLD has a document regarding the ICANN reform. He said that the LACTLD has some similar views with the other regional assciations, but differed on some matters.
PDT suggested stimulating regional discussions regarding the document posted on 31 May by the ICANN Reform Committee, http://www.icann.org/committees/evol-reform/recommendations-31may02.htm
NR said that the communiqués should be written in precise language, in order to avoid any misunderstandings.
PDT also told the group that he is worried about the ad hoc nature of calling for volunteers to draft the communiqué and added that maybe a group should be permanently appointed. He proposed to have the Chair of the meeting and the AdCom responsible in producing the first draft of the communiqué. Further details would be discussed on the mailing list.
Meeting adjourned UTC 13:20