World Wide Alliance of Top Level Domain-names

Summary of Yokohama Meeting

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Summary of Yokohama Meeting

Here are the results from Yokohama Meeting on 12-17 of July:

(1) The ccTLD constituency released a communique regarding funding
to ICANN as follows

July 13, 2000
Yokohama, Japan

The ccTLD Constituency of ICANN, meeting in Yokohama,
notes that ICANN has stated that it
has urgent financial needs;

And notes:

THAT over US $ 750,000 in donations has already been pledged by it's members in support
of ICANN for the Budget year ending 30 June 2000.

The ccTLD Constituency looks forward to progress.


Consequently,  we would like members to vote on our Funding WG's
proposed model and select your bands as soon as possible.  At the time of the
Yokohama meeting,  about 15 members have indicated their band selections.
CENTR members have already pledged to donate $600,000.- to ICANN and is
hopeful to raise more.

Since ICANN has only 60 days to pay off their loan,  we pledge members to
be prepared to donate money to ICANN soon.  We will shortly send you
guidelines on how donations could be sent.

(3) Each ccTLD would pay 5% of the amount that donated to ICANN to the ccTLD
Interim Secretariat for operation expenses for the rest of  year 2000.  (10% per annum)

(cheques can be made payable to ccTLD, DNSO c/o AFNIC or bank transfer

    BNP Bank, Versailles

 Compte in Euro:
 International Bank Account Number
 IBAN: FR76 3000 4014 1200 0101 1747 947

 Compte in $US:
 International Bank Account Number
 IBAN: FR76 3000 4014 1200 0101 1377 032

(2) Most working groups still need more comments and inputs.  So please visit our Website for WG's progress and reports.  Send in your comments and suggestions to the WGs through our mailing list.

(3) AdCom members should now be replaced by new representatives from
each region.

(4) Name Council election will be held very soon using new election process
which is to be revised by Willie Black.  This is to ensure that our newly NC
members can participate in the NC election to the ICANN Board of Directors in

(5) On multilingual domain name issue, the following communique has been drafted by the interest group and endorced by the meeting:

The ccTLD Constituency

1.      NOTES the importance of the development of Multilingual Domain Names
to the true internationalization of the Internet.

2.      ACKNOWLEDGES the importance of achieving global technical standards

3. AFFIRMS the work of the IETF on establishing consensual technical
standards for Multilingual Domain Names


RECOMMENDS that the DNSO: RE-AFFIRM that the IETF is the proper body to
develop critical Internet technical standards

Reporteur:  Kanchana Kanchanasut
                    ccTLD Secretariat

© ccTLD Managers
Page updated : 2000-07-27 20:42:40