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26 August 2001
Taipei, Taiwan
The board of APTLD met today in ad hoc session in Taipei, as part of the APTLD/APNIC seminars being hosted by twNIC.
Board members present were Hualin Quian (Chair, .CN), Peter Dengate Thrush (Snr. Vice Chair, .NZ), Vincent Chen (Secretary, .TW ), Hiro Hotta (.JP) and BK Kim, ( .KR).
Also present were immediate past APTLD Chair, Kilnam Chon, (.KR) and YJ Park (Names Council, .KR) APTLD and ccTLD secretariat staff and others.
The meeting heard presentations from Peter de Blanc, (Chair, Adcom, .VI) and Peter Dengate Thrush (APTLD Adcom), on progress since Stockholm on the formation of the ccTLD Support Organisation. There was further discussion after which the Board members resolved that agreement was readily reached on a number of principles. It was felt that that support should be conveyed to the members immediately, and because of the tight timeline discussed, this should also be communicated directly to the ccTLD-discuss and ccSO lists.
Peter Dengate Thrush's presentation will be posted onto the wwTLD website shortly for general review. Comments on that, and on the Resolution below are sought, particularly on the ccSO list, which is restricted to ccTLD managers and their nominees.
As much agreement on principles as possible is sought before the Montevideo meeting, so that discussion there can focus on remaining issues of substance.
The APTLD Board notes that in keeping with the Stockholm communique of the ccTLD constituency, further steps in preparation for the formation of a ccTLD support Organisation have been taken and are continuing by ccTLD managers;
Recognises that continuing consultation with other stakeholders in ICANN on the proposed restructuring is essential;
Affirms APTLD's support for the formation of a ccTLD SO as the appropriate method of ccTLD participation in ICANN; and
Adopts, as agreed, the following principles:
Pending issues:
It was recognised that not all issues may require final resolution before ccSO formation could be completed. The Bylaws may be amended and added to as further consensus was reached.
WS Chen