ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO

Electorate rolls, September 2000

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Electorate rolls, September 2000

The ICANN rules assign countries to geographic regions on the basis of the United Nations Statistics Division's current classifications of Countries or areas, codes and abbreviations, as revised 16 February 2000, and Composition of macro geographic (continental) regions and component geographical regions, as revised 16 February 2000.

The ccTLD Constituency members were requested to confirm their United Nations classification as well as self-select their voting region.

The Secretariat received 90 answers. If a ccTLD did not return the self-select form, this ccTLD were assumed to have the Self-select identical to the United nations geographic region, and the letter (A) is put in the Self-select column.

The list All members, includes all the most updated information all the ccTLDs (244 minus 3 which are .kp, .zr and .eh , i.e. 241 with 90 returned forms).

© ccTLD Constituency
Page updated : 2000-09-25 10:05:22