ICANN Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Contributions by ccTLD, as received
by ICANN end December 2000 (spreadsheet file provided by Diane).
Invoiced amout: 1.496 million USD
Received amout: 0.721 million USD
Invoiced to: 245 ccTLD
Received from: 98 ccTLD
Significant Excess/Short-fall amount per group as in distribution below:
4 ccTLD paid 77427.31 USD in excess of 123572.69 USD invoiced
2 ccTLD paid 532700.48 USD less than 732700.48 USD invoiced
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E)
Paid Number Received Invoiced Excess (negatif)/Short-fall (positif)
less 500 3 535.00 1500.00 965
500 48 24000.00 24000.00 0
less 1000 5 3613.81 3613.81 0
less 2000 12 14441.61 12790.22 -1651.39
less 10000 12 51986.91 57661.16 5674.25
less 20000 6 74976.13 77914.63 2938.5
less 50000 6 150555.70 153998.69 3442.99
50 or 51000 4 201000.00 123572.69 -77427.31
100000 2 200000.00 732700.48 532700.48
98 721109.16 1187751.68 466642.52
Unpaid Number Received Invoiced Excess (negatif)/Short-fall (positif)
less 500 2 0.00
500 113 56500.00
less 1000 10 6738.10
less 2000 6 8696.82
less 10000 10 52498.90
less 50000 6 183814.50
50 or 51000
147 308248.32
Total Number Received Invoiced Excess (negatif)/Short-fall (positif)
245 721109.16 1496000.00 774890.84
The biggest components of the 775k short-fall were
a. 533k underpaid, by 2 ccTLDs who `only' paid 100k each
b. 184k not paid at all, by 6 ccTLDs invoiced 10k-50k
c. 61k not paid at all, by 16 ccTLDs invoiced 1k-9k
778k (out of 775k missing)