[cctld-discuss] A Funding Model by using "Number of Domain Name * GDP" (revised on 2nd June)
A Funding Model by using "Number of Domain Name * GDP" ByungKyu Kim 2nd June, 2000 Motivation: 1. The current funding mechanism by ICANN has some problems because only the number of domain name has been considered and it can not decide each ccTLD's contribution to ICANN. 2. Problems: a. Each ccTLD has different registration policy. b. Economic sizes are different between rich and poor countries. c. Only the number of domain name can not decide the size of ccTLD's internet industries. 3. Apparently, the number of domain name is the most important factor for the ICANN funding, but we might also consider ccTLD's economic size. 4. ccTLD is somewhat different from other commercial gTLD registrars because ccTLD is in charge of its country code domains as a non-commericial organization in most cases. So we need to consider the GDP factor to estimate the ICANN funding. Proposed Funding Model: I have tried to estimate an ICANN Funding Model by using "Number of Domain Name * GDP". In this model, I used a simple calculation to get each ccTLD's contribution as follows: 0. I picked ccTLDs in the list of the ICANN's contribution invoice. 1. Estimated total $1.4M from 74 ccTLDs to ICANN. 2. Applied the same $500 for all ccTLD(about 240 ccTLD) as a basic fee (lower bound). 3. Contribution of each ccTLD is (A/B) * ($1.4M - $500 * 74), where A means "Number of Domain Name * GDP per Capita(1999)" and B means "Sum of (Number of Domain Name * GDP per Capita)". 4. I used 1999 IMF data - "Per Capita Gross Domestic Product, Current Prices (U.S. dollars per person)". URL is http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/weo/2000/01/data/index.htm. 5. Some of ccTLD has no data, so I put some temporal numbers (2000(?)). Calculated contribution for each ccTLD (attached): Please look at the attached file. Here I compared three different proposals: 1. Number of Domain Names * GDP (this proposal) 2. Number of Domain Names by ICANN 3. Number of Hosts by Elisabeth. In the attached file there are 6 columns including following contents: 1st column: ccTLD. 2nd column: Number of Domain Name(1999) which ICANN suggested. 3rd column: Per Capita Gross Domestic Product, Current Prices (U.S. dollars per person). 4th column: Each ccTLD's contribution(US$) suggested by KRNIC (Total $1.437M for 74 ccTLDs). 5th column: Each ccTLD's contribution(US$) suggested by ICANN (Total $1.409M for 74 ccTLDs). 6th column: Proposed contribution in the Elisabeth's proposal - (http://www.dnso.org/constituency/cctld/00weightcctld2.html). ccTLD no of Domains GDP(1999, US$) BKKim ICANN Elizabeth American Samoa(.as) 14,148 2,000 932 4,614 0 Argentina(.ar) 151,591 7,793 18,534 49,438 14,000 Ascension Island(.ac) 4,502 2,000(?) 637 1,468 100 Australia(.au) 122,902 20,696 39,326 40,082 109,047 Austria(.at) 63,470 25,793 25,490 20,699 27,417 Belgium(.be) 24,372 24,760 9,711 7,948 32,084 Brazil(.br) 59,628 3,437 3,629 19,446 44,644 Canada(.ca) 71,002 20,874 23,124 23,156 166,966 Chile(.cl) 21,608 4,521 1,991 7,047 2,000 China(.cn) 34,673 791 919 11,308 7,000 Christmas Insand(.cx) 7,598 2,000(?) 732 2,478 100 Cocos(Keeling)Island(.cc) 30,000 2,000(?) 1,416 9,784 300 Colombia(.co) 4,088 2,204 638 1,333 2,000 Croatia/Hrvatska(.hr) 2,937 4,364 696 958 2,000 Cyprus(.cy) 1,654 13,965 853 539 300 Czech Republic(.cz) 42,342 5,181 3,849 13,809 14,000 Denmark(.dk) 147,985 32,727 74,429 48,262 33,693 Egypt(.eg) 1,647 1,382 535 537 300 Estonia(.ee) 4,106 3,504 720 1,339 2,000 Finland(.fi) 19,599 25,195 8,038 6,392 63,125 France(.fr) 58,997 24,594 22,648 19,241 77,988 French Southern Territories(.tf) 1,688 2,000(?) 552 551 0 Germany(.de) 1,480,974 25,782 583,342 482,985 170,249 Greece(.gr) 15,919 11,873 3,385 5,192 7,000 Hungary(.hu) 10,249 5,071 1,293 3,342 14,000 Iceland(.is) 3,129 33,218 2,087 1,020 2,000 Indonesia(.id) 4,618 729 551 1,506 2,000 Ireland(.ie) 10,807 24,529 4,546 3,524 7,000 Israel(.il) 22,873 15,584 5,941 7,460 14,000 Italy(.it) 99,348 20,734 31,944 32,400 65,831 Japan(.jp) 52,139 34,402 27,880 17,004 263,654 Latvia(.lv) 2,460 2,622 598 802 2,000 Lebanon(.lb) 1,621 4,977 623 529 300 Liechtenstein(.li) 2,608 2,000(?) 580 851 0 Lithuania(.lt) 3,606 2,818 655 1,175 2,000 Luxembourg(.lu) 4,595 44,206 3,601 1,499 300 Malaysia(.my) 9,876 3,640 1,049 3,221 7,000 Mexico(.mx) 16,311 4,748 1,682 5,319 40,487 Micronesia(.fm) 2,442 1,561 558 796 0 Moldova(.md) 2,554 286 511 833 100 Montserrat(.ms) 6,680 2,000(?) 704 2,179 0 Netherlands(.nl) 173,488 24,988 66,673 56,579 82,094 New Zealand(.nz) 48,125 14,597 11,223 15,695 27,100 Niue(.nu) 59,898 2,000(?) 2,329 19,534 300 Norway(.no) 35,939 34,214 19,269 11,721 40,189 Pakistan(.pk) 4,333 453 530 1,413 300 Peru(.pe) 1,653 2,097 553 539 300 Philippines(.ph) 6,339 975 594 2,067 2,000 Poland(.pl) 35,671 3,978 2,666 11,633 14,000 Republic of Korea(.kr) 141,113 8,712 19,266 46,021 28,346 Romania(.ro) 5,367 1,507 624 1,750 2,000 Russian Federation(.ru) 21,636 1,240 910 7,056 21,470 Sao Tome and Principe(.st) 26,562 352 643 8,663 0 Singapore(.sg) 16,923 24,808 6,908 5,519 14,000 Slovak Republic 14,419 3,556 1,283 4,702 2,000 Slovenia(.si) 5,507 10,802 1,408 1,796 2,000 South Africa(.za) 53,722 3,033 2,987 17,520 14,000 Spain(.es) 18,379 15,369 4,812 5,994 41,564 Sweden(.se) 40,289 26,870 17,025 13,139 59,463 Swizerland(.ch) 108,458 36,254 60,522 35,371 30,607 Taiwan(.tw) 17,603 12,700 3,913 5,741 59,704 Thailand(.th) 3,580 1,994 609 1,168 2,000 Tonga(.to) 25,059 1,793 1,186 8,172 300 Turkey(.tr) 14,259 2,890 1,129 4,650 7,000 Turkmenistan(.tm) 3,077 764 536 1,003 0 Turks and Ciacos Islands(.tc) 4,814 2,000(?) 647 1,570 0 Ukraine(.ua) 2,652 625 525 865 2,000 United Kingdom(/uk) 765,700 24,633 288,408 249,715 190,181 United States(.us) 10,241 33,934 5,805 3,340 187,566 Uruguary(.uy) 1,740 6,357 669 567 2,000 Venezuela(.ve) 2,760 4,321 682 900 2,000 Virgin Islands(.vg) 1,647 2,000(?) 550 537 0 Western Samoa(.ws) 1,679 2,224 557 548 0 Yugoslavia(.yu) 4,434 2,000(?) 635 1,446 300 TOTAL 1,437,000 1,409,001 2,031,769 If you want to list up your country's "No of domain names" and "GDP" with correct values, please let me know the values and sources. This proposal is a personal opinion. Thank you. Sincerely yours, ByungKyu Kim ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Byung-Kyu Kim, Ph.D. Director, Dept. of Address Management Korea Network Information Center (KRNIC) TEL: +82-2-2186-4533, FAX:+82-2-2186-4498 Email: bkkim@nic.or.kr, URL: http://www.bk21c.pe.kr ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -- ccTLD Constituency of the DNSO Discussion Mailing List (Formerly wwtld@ripe.net) |